
Upcoming Webinar: Continuous Monitoring and the FCRA

Written by Nick Fishman | Aug 19, 2019 10:18:12 AM

Last week, I published a guest blog on Appriss Safety’s site titled, “7 Compliance Considerations when Implementing a Continuous Monitoring Program” which detailed key questions CRA’s should ask related to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidance compliance before offering this service.

Now, that we’ve asked the questions, I’m pleased to announce that I’ve been asked to lead a joint webinar this Wednesday presented by both Appriss and SJV, where we’ll ask FCRA expert, Scott Paler from Dewitt LLP, for some recommendations on how CRA’s can maintain compliance when offering this valuable product.

Please join us on Wednesday, August 21st at 1pm EST for “Continuous Monitoring and the FCRA” where we’ll discuss a variety of topics including:

  • Consent and authorization considerations
  • Suggestions on how to maintain strict procedures and maximum possible accuracy
  • Recommendations on how CRA’s can incorporate this new service into their end-user agreements
  • Tips for executing the Adverse Action process and how things to expect during the dispute process

As I’ve said and will continue to say, I strongly believe that continuous monitoring is the next major wave in employment background screening and can add significant value for both end-users and CRA’s. We just want to make sure that we are dotting the “i’s” and crossing the “t’s” when it comes to compliance.

Hope you can join us!

Register here.